Teenagers kicked out of cafe for skinship... Korean media reports
An incident occurred in which a group of teenage students were kicked out of a cafe for causing a commotion and other disturbances, and so they became angry at the store and started stealing from the cafe.
On the 4th, JTBC's "Case Leader" featured a hot topic about Mr. A, a cafe owner who runs a cafe during the day and an unmanned cafe after midnight.
Around 3:00 p.m. on July 3rd, a group of teenagers visited Mr. A's cafe.
They ordered shaved ice, ate it, and left the shop, but returned to the cafe an hour later.
When they returned, they just sat there without ordering anything. In the worst case, a teenage couple was making a lot of noise and showing excessive physical contact. In response, cafe staff told them to "be quiet.
I need to order something again," but the group of teenagers didn't listen. Eventually, when Ms. A urged them to leave the store, the group said, "You
Police? We are customers, so why should we have to leave the store?" In response, A reported the group to the police for refusing to leave, and the group responded with, "
"You kicked us out, so please refund us for the food we just ate," they demanded. The group of teenagers who were kicked out then went to meet with Mr. B, the tenant of Mr. A's cafe.
I later found out that they were acquainted with B. The day before the affair, some of the group had started arguing with B while smoking.
B scolded the group, saying, "Go play somewhere else. Don't disturb my business." He also told A, "You're still a child, so why are you being investigated by the police?"
"There's nothing wrong. Please let it go," he said. A eventually accepted the group's apology and forgave them, but after that, something strange happened at the cafe during the hours it was open.
The door to the cafe was broken and the items inside the cafe were seen in disarray. Mr. A sensed something was wrong and found a sign at the entrance to the drink preparation area that said, "If property is damaged, you will be held legally responsible."
A warning notice was posted on the door and security camera footage was checked. The footage showed the group kicking the door of the store and stealing cigarettes, mobile phone chargers, and other items.
A reported the group to the police for theft and damage to property. A said, "The investigation seemed to be delayed, so I decided to catch them myself. At dawn on the 3rd, I saw one of the group sleeping inside the store and caught him.
"I handed him over to the police," he said. "Every time something like this happens, I wonder if I shouldn't be in business," he said. "I don't know if other self-employed people have experienced this kind of harm.
I provided the information because I didn't want that to happen."
2024/09/05 07:43 KST
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