China's Ministry of Commerce takes countermeasures against Canadian EV tariff hikes - Chinese media
The Canadian government recently announced that it would impose restrictive measures, including raising tariffs, on electric vehicles (EVs), steel, and aluminum products imported from China.
The Canadian government will impose additional tariffs of 100% on all Chinese-made EVs from October 1st of this year, and on steel and aluminum imported from China from October 15th.
Canada will impose a 25 percent levy on aluminum products, a move the U.S. has said is aimed at preventing trade diversion brought about by recent moves by trading partners.
In response, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced several countermeasures on the 3rd of this month.
The move will include a dumping investigation and an anti-dumping investigation into related Canadian chemical products based on complaints from domestic industry.
In addition, Canada has filed suit against the World Trade Organization (WTO) for its related measures.
He said he would file a complaint with the Chinese government. This is the first time that China has conducted an "anti-discrimination investigation," and it is also the first case in the world. The Chinese side will launch an investigation and make corrections based on the actual situation.
"We will take all necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies," a Commerce Ministry spokesman said.
2024/09/05 16:01 KST
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