The Prosecutor's Investigation Committee, which will decide whether to indict President Yoon Seok-yeol's First Lady, Kim Kun-hee, in a case involving the alleged gift of designer bags, has announced that
According to legal circles, the hearing on the Kim Il Sung-soo case involving the alleged gift of designer bags, convened by Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok on his own authority, will be held at 2 p.m. on the 6th.
The investigative committee will meet behind closed doors and will consider six charges, including charges that Kim violated the anti-solicitation law.
"Since the debate over the alleged illegal money transfer case is still ongoing, it would be desirable to conclude the case by incorporating outside opinions," he said, adding that he would leave the case to the discretion of the Prosecutor's Investigation Review Committee.
The Prosecutor's Investigation Review Committee deliberates on issues such as whether to continue investigations into cases that have raised national suspicions or attracted public attention, whether to indict or not, and whether to request an arrest warrant.
According to the operating guidelines, the Prosecutor's Investigative Review Committee will be composed of between 150 and 300 members, and the Prosecutor General will appoint experts from various fields who have academic knowledge and experience in the judicial system and extensive social insight.
The Supreme Prosecutors' Office then randomly selected 15 members from among the committee members to be the pending committee members. They will then deliberate on the Kim Jong Un case and decide whether to indict or not.
If there is no consensus, the matter can be resolved by a majority vote of the members present. The decision of the Prosecutor's Investigation Review Committee is made as a recommendation to the Prosecutor's investigation.
On the day of the deliberation, the prosecution's investigation team and those involved in the case will attend the committee and express their opinions. According to the committee's operating guidelines, the prosecution's investigation team will submit a statement of its opinion of no more than 30 pages.
The parties involved in the case will be able to attend the committee meeting and give a maximum of 45 minutes to explain the case. Mrs. Kim's side will be attending the hearing today as parties involved in the case. However,
Pastor Choi Jae-yeon, who is also a suspect and involved in another case, will not be able to attend the committee. The Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office investigation team said that the anti-solicitation law does not contain any provisions for punishing spouses, and that Kim
The prosecution is expected to explain that it will be difficult to hold them legally responsible because the items they received were not valued in return, and Kim's side is expected to make a similar statement.
A decision on whether or not to indict is expected to be made as early as the evening of the 6th.
2024/09/06 07:04 KST
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