【公演レポ】D.O.(EXO)、 日本公演を大成功で終了「これからもずっと魅力ある姿を見せます! 」
[Concert Report] DO (EXO) finishes Japan concert with fans in unity as they decide on dinner menu together
Singer and actor Do Kyung Soo (EXO's DO) will be performing in Japan for the first time on his Asian fan concert tour, "DOH KYUNG SOO ASIA FAN CONCERT
An additional performance of "TOUR BLOOM in JAPAN" was held at Pia Arena MM in Kanagawa on August 3rd and 4th. "DOH KYUNG SOO ASIA FAN
"CONCERT TOUR BLOOM" is an Asian tour that will visit 11 cities, and in Japan, it will be held on July 18th at Tachikawa Stage Garden in Tokyo and on the 19th at Niterra Nippon Tokushu Togyo City in Aichi.
The previous shows were held at the Osaka Prefectural Convention Center on the 21st and at the Grand Cube Osaka (Osaka Prefectural International Conference Center) on the 22nd, and all were sold out. Due to enthusiastic requests from fans, additional shows have been scheduled.
This article reports on the performance on August 3rd. The venue was filled with fans dressed in sky blue to match the dress code, and the atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement.
When the time came to start, the hall went dark and applause erupted. Then, the clear sound of a guitar being strummed started to play, and Do Kyungsoo appeared from the center of the stage, and the audience
Yellow cheers rang out. He sang the refreshing medium tempo song "Mars" with a gentle voice, and the fans' shouts of "Do Kyungsoo!" in between songs were perfect.
The excitement grew, and Kyungsoo shouted "Let's sing together!", further livening up the venue. After finishing the song, in the midst of the excitement, Kyungsoo shouted "Yokohama!", which was met with a huge cheer.
The fans responded with cheers. Hearing this, Kyungsoo smiled and said, "Good evening, it's Do Kyungsoo. Welcome to my solo concert 'BLOOM'." He then said, "Everyone, I'm glad to be here today.
I have also welcomed someone to help me. My Japanese is still lacking in some areas, but I'll do my best," he said enthusiastically, and the talk time began with host Tomoki Fujiwara.
When asked how he felt, Kyungsoo said, "I was nervous, but when I stood on the stage, the nervousness turned into excitement." Regarding the title of the concert, he said, "I
The title of our third album was "BLOSSOM," but we decided on the title "BLOOM" because we wanted everyone to come to our shows and be in full bloom with smiling flowers.
Regarding the final performance, he said with a smile, "It's a little disappointing to think that it's the last, but I'm very happy to be meeting all my Japanese fans at a big venue for the first time."
The first segment began with Kyungsoo shouting "I'm ready!" with high excitement, and was followed by a Q&A session on the theme of flowers. In response to the question "What scent do you want to smell during the hot season?", he answered "Rose."
When asked, "What does the Sky Blue Rose smell like?", the audience members fanned themselves with their hands and smelled the fragrance. Flowers such as sunflowers and lilacs were projected on the screen.
The image of the flower was drawn by Kyungsoo himself. When he said, "I drew it for you all," the audience erupted in applause.
The first flower she chose was the evening primrose. The theme of the event was "magic," which is the flower language of the evening primrose. Magic often appears in anime.
As the conversation progressed, Kyungsoo, who is known to be an anime fan, mentioned that he has been watching "Kaiju No. 8" recently. Furthermore, his cell phone case is "Jujutsu Kaisen."
He confessed, and strongly appealed to his love of anime. When asked what kind of magic or power he would like to have, he said, "I would like to be able to teleport," and that he would like to use this power when he goes around Japan or on tour, or when he goes to delicious restaurants.
Continuing the conversation about abilities, when asked about Kyungsoo's outstanding ability, he said, "Sitting on the sofa for a long time. Sitting on the sofa when I'm resting is really
I like it. For example, if I were to watch anime, I would probably sit on the sofa for more than eight hours," he said, and since the chair he was sitting on happened to be a sofa, he started to get more and more excited about it.
He sat back and relaxed. He quickly sat back down, but the moment he got a glimpse of Kyungsoo's daily life, fans were warmed by it. Next, Kyungsoo's abilities were rated as "visuals" and "acting ability."
He decided to express "variety ability," "singing ability," "charm," and "cuteness" in the form of a hexagon. He said, "Cuteness is..." and thought for a while, then replied, "There's no cuteness."
He puts a dot in the center of the square. Then, a voice from the audience exclaims, "Wow! So cute!", and upon hearing that, Kyungsoo says, "I'll change it," erases the dot and redraws it. However, the dot is a little different from the first one.
The voices of fans who were not satisfied with the only increase in the rating grew louder, and Kyungsoo was embarrassed. He was pushed by the voices and said, "I'll change it," and put dots on the four points on the inside of one of the hexagons.
The fan was still not satisfied, but settled on a 4 for "cuteness." As for "singing ability," he said, "It's embarrassing for me to give it a rating. But I have a goal."
Saying this, she placed a dot above the corner of the hexagon, satisfying her fans. She also gave "charm" a high rating, and said enthusiastically, "I will continue to show you my charm. I will do my best."
For "acting ability," just like for "singing ability," they put a dot on the hexagon as a goal. For "visuals," they put "visuals are average..." and the audience said, "Aniya (= different)
"Yes!", a voice said, saying that the visuals could not be rated so low, and Kyungsoo replied, "I'll change it," and erased the points. In this situation, he said, "I'm the one who gave the score.
"But I think it's because I'm not good at it," he said, but he listened to what the fans said and gave them full marks, satisfying them. Finally, he said that "variety skills" is also a goal, and that
He drew a dot high up, right on the edge of the blank space, and said, "I want to be an interesting person." Next, Kyungsoo chose a daisy, which has the meaning of "purity." Here, he is showing his enthusiasm for music.
On the 26th of July, it was the 3rd anniversary of his solo debut, and he said, "I still can't believe it. It's been 3 years since I released my solo album.
I thought time has passed so quickly. And there is still a long way to go. I haven't been doing it for three years yet, so I'll do my best." When asked about future songs, he said, "
The venue has four floors, but I want to play some fun songs that will get everyone on their feet and excited," he said, raising fans' expectations.
So far, they have released the following albums: 1st mini album "Sympathy", 2nd mini album "Expectation", and 3rd mini album "Growth".
When asked about the album, he said, "I love the word 'empathy.' I myself feel empathy when I'm in the audience or when I watch a video or a work.
"So, I started with 'empathy,' then moved on to 'expectations' and 'growth.' I feel the same way, but I chose these words with the hope that everyone can empathize with them, too."
When asked how she has grown through the album, she said, "I think I've grown by performing alone in this venue. I'm nervous because I can't speak naturally in front of everyone like this.
"But now that nervousness is gone, and I think I've grown in that way," she said, adding that the support of her fans is a great source of strength for her, and "seeing everyone's expressions is what makes me happiest."
In relation to music, a game of intros to one's own songs was also held. The music was played for one second, and participants had to guess the title by listening to it. The first question was, "What title do you remember?"
Although he said he couldn't remember it, he remembered it and got it right. The second question was too difficult because it was an intro that only involved breathing, but after it was played a little longer he got it right. The third question seemed to be immediately understood by the fans, and he answered it by himself.
He answered "Rose" with confidence and performed a cappella. His beautiful and free-flowing singing voice filled the venue, delighting the fans. In the final quiz, the only sound he could hear was his breathing. He struggled with the difficult questions, and asked, "What's the next album?"
"I won't let any breaths in from Bam," he declared. After the intro was played for a long time, if the answer was correct, they performed a Spanish version of "It's Love," filling the venue with a romantic atmosphere.
Next, she chose the morning glory, which has the flower language of "bonds tied by love." She said she would like to talk about the work in the sense of forming a bond with the characters she has played so far.
On July 23, 2024, the 10th anniversary of his debut, fans burst into applause, saying "Congratulations!" Kyungsoo stood up, put his hands in front of him, and said, "It's okay to laugh.
He succeeded in stopping the applause abruptly with the cha-cha-cha of "Mo!" He smiled and said, "I never thought I'd be able to do this again here. Thank you for doing it with me."
When asked what he felt was the biggest growth he experienced from playing Han Kang-woo in his debut drama "It's Okay, That's Love" (SBS/2014), he said, "I guess you could say that my range of emotions has broadened."
I don't usually have a wide range of emotions. But by playing the character of Kang Woo, I was able to broaden my range of emotions."
Regarding the shadow, she said, "My mind went blank, I got really nervous, my hands started sweating, and even though my lines were short, I suddenly couldn't remember them," and added, "The director and my seniors told me, 'It'll be fine, you'll do well.'
He told me that it was working, so after that, the tension gradually eased and it started to become fun," he recalled.
As for his next work, he has decided on a piece called "Sculpture City."
"I'll be able to show a new side of myself, something different from the past. The reason is that I'm a villain. I'll try my best," he said forcefully, and the audience erupted in applause.
At the end of the talk time, she chose a sunflower, which has the flower meaning "I only look at you." Questions written by fans on post-it notes in advance were then brought to the stage.
Kyungsoo was surprised by the number of questions and said, "Wow." In response to the question, "I heard that your Wikipedia page says that beatboxing is your special skill," he replied, "That's definitely something that happened when you first debuted."
"It's my special skill... But let's give it a try," he said enthusiastically. Although he showed some awkwardness, he performed beatboxing perfectly, drawing thunderous applause from the audience.
Next, in response to the question, "Have you tried onigiri?", she smiled and replied, "Yes, I have. It's really delicious. I hope you all try it too." She also mentioned her favorite onigiri filling.
Regarding this, she said with a happy look, "I like the takana I ate today. It's delicious!" Next, she said, "I want to see Chiren-i (the penguin character created by Kyungsoo) made into merchandise."
In response to the question, "Please wait a little longer," he said, raising the fans' expectations. On the board filled with questions, he wrote, "For Kyungsoo, who likes the scent of perilla leaves, he has prepared real perilla (fruit)
Sesame leaves were also placed on the grounds, and when Kyungsoo found them, he was seen relaxing by smelling the leaves. There was also a time set aside for people to enjoy Do Kyungsoo's singing voice, and the song "To
I also sing a cappella songs by other artists on the "DO list." Yuri's "Dry Flowers," Shimizu Shota's "Melody Instead of a Bouquet," and Tamaki Koji's "Melody."
With his soft and deep voice, he moved the fans. After the talk corner, it was time for the live performance where fans could enjoy Kyungsoo's songs to their heart's content. When he shouted, "Yokohama, shout!", he sang "S
She performed "Practice Joys". The gentle singing voice blended with the floating percussion and the soft sound of the ocarina, enveloping the venue in a warm atmosphere.
" Then she whispered, "That's okay" and went on stage. The gentle sound of the acoustic guitar, her delicate singing voice, and the fans singing "Kenchana (= It's okay)"
The two became one, creating a comfortable atmosphere that could only be experienced on that day. In the second half of the concert, the band performed "I Want to Be Together Forever."
While singing "I love you", Kyungsoo rode on a trolley around the audience and threw a signed ball, and the fans were excited as Kyungsoo passed through the audience.
He performed "Somebody" while singing "you," and when he returned to the stage, he walked down Flower Road and threw autographed balls to fans near the stage, delighting them.
At the center stage at the end of Flower Road, there is a performance of "My Love Story" where people confess their love while waiting for their soulmate.
Dear" and "Ordinary," the lyrics of which Kyungsoo himself likes.
They performed songs such as "Ary Days" and "Good Night", which contains magical words that remove anxiety and worries. They sang sometimes delicately and sometimes powerfully, touching the hearts of their fans.
After finishing the song, Kyungsoo looked around the audience and said, "There are a lot of men here," and asked for a cheer from men only. Kyungsoo was delighted by the men's cheers. Of course,
He asked for cheers from the women only, and when he heard the loud cheers of everyone at the end, he said with a satisfied look, "Today is also a lot of fun." Although he was satisfied with the cheers, he seemed to be hungry, so he asked, "I'm going to have dinner."
I have to decide on the menu. I'm a little hungry. You're all hungry too, right? What shall we eat? What shall we eat today?'" he asked his fans.
When the fans shouted "Katsudon!", he cried out with shining eyes, "Today it's katsudon!" and said, "Please eat it after the performance. I'll enjoy it too."
We promised. The fun time passed in an instant, and when Kyungsoo said, "The sad time has come. It's the last song," the audience cried out in regret. And from now on,
She performed "I'm Gonna Love You," a song about loving someone. Her sexy and sweet voice accompanied by rhythmic guitar made the fans entranced.
Kyungsoo said, "Thank you!" and left the stage, but the crowd immediately started clapping for an encore and shouts of "Do Kyungsoo" rang out throughout the venue. Then, the melody
With the sound of a guitar resounding, Kyungsoo reappeared from the center of the stage! For the encore, he performed "Pop
corn". Fans were all smiles as Kyungsoo happily sang. He said, "Thank you so much, everyone! It was a really fun time. I hope you all know my name too.
I know I came out because you called me. Thank you for calling me by name. I will be very prepared next time, so I hope you all have a good time.
Please keep it as a memory. I look forward to working with you in the future," he said, and they all took a commemorative photo. A fan commented, "Every moment of Kyungsoo is beautiful.
When the audience held up the slogan "It's a thrill to be here," they were all impressed, with one commenting, "Since we've come all the way up to the fourth floor, it feels new again."
Finally, she asked, "What's for dinner tonight, everyone?" and confirmed the dinner menu. She was satisfied when she heard a fan say, "Pork cutlet bowl!" and then said, "So,
This was Kyungsoo! Thank you very much," he shouted, before leaving the stage reluctantly saying "I love you" and "Bye-bye."
2024/09/06 11:35 KST
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