「EXO」BAEK HYUN、スケールの違う親孝行…“両親家買ってさしあげて、3年間の精算金をさしあげて、車も周期的に交替”01
”EXO's” BAEK HYUN, showing his filial piety on a whole new level... ”I bought my parents a house, gave them payment for three years, and changed their car periodically”
Baek Hyun of the group EXO talked about how he shows his gratitude to his parents. On the 5th, in the "Treat Your Brother Shin Dong-yup" segment on the YouTube channel,
On the show "Mr. Shin Dong-yup", Baek Hyun appeared as a guest. On that day, Shin Dong-yup asked, "Are you a person who shows aegyo (kindness) towards your family?" Baek Hyun
HYUN explained, "I was very cute when I was young, but I became less cute after I entered adolescence."
HYUN said, "I've become able to do things for them in a more practical way, rather than just showing my cuteness."
Shin Dong-yup responded jokingly, "Even if you are busy with your activities and don't give gifts, if you just show off your cuteness, that's disrespectful to your parents."
In response to the question, "What kind of gift did you give to your parents?", Baek Hyun said, "For now, a house." He added, "I also replaced my car periodically, and it has been three years since I bought it.
"I gave all the profits I made to my parents," he explained. "(My parents) lived frugally and sparingly for their children. When a child they raised in that way became successful, it was their duty to give even more."
"I think it's only natural," he said, expressing his heartbreaking feelings toward his family. "It's not easy to give up three years of income," he said, "You want to buy a car, and you don't want to buy a watch?
"But there's no point," he said, "I have a busy schedule, so where do I find the time to drive or wear a watch? I don't need it, so I gave it to my parents."
He also said, "I live my life relying on many different people for all kinds of things, but who will do that for my parents?
"There is no one else like him," he said, inspiring those who listened.
2024/09/06 16:18 KST
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