「LADIES' CODE」故クォン・リセさん、本日(7日)10周忌…消えない「衝撃と哀悼」
The late Kwon RiSe of LADIES' CODE passed away today (7th) on the 10th anniversary... ”Shock and mourning” remain
It has been 10 years since the death of the late Kwon Ri-se, a member of the group "LADIES' CODE." Today (7th) marks the 10th anniversary of the death of the late Kwon Ri-se.
Kwon RiSe died on September 7, 2014, after the van she was riding in with seven members and others slipped on a rainy road and was involved in an accident. She was 23 years old.
On September 3, 2014, the late Kwon Ri-se was in an intensive care unit after being involved in a traffic accident near the Singal Junction on the Yeongdong Expressway while traveling to Seoul.
The deceased fought for his life during a long operation lasting more than nine hours, but his blood pressure dropped and the operation had to be stopped, and he passed away without ever regaining consciousness.
Member Go Eunbi (LADIES' CODE) passed away on the day of the accident, and the sadness was conveyed. The late Kwon Ri-se gained fame when she appeared on the MBC audition program "Great Birth" in 2011.
After that, she appeared on many variety shows such as "We Got Married" and continued to have a successful career. In 2013, she formed the group "LADIES'
She made her debut with the group "LADIES' CODE" and entered the music industry. "LADIES' CODE" has released many hits including "Warui Onna", "PRETTY! PRETTY!" and "KISS
She was loved for her work on songs such as "KISS". She also appeared on many different TV shows and events, gaining popularity.
However, in September 2014, one year after their debut, fans received unfortunate news.
The public was shocked when two members of the most popular new girl group passed away in a sudden accident.
The wave of mourning continued with the reversed version of "I'm Fine Thank You" by CODE.
CODE started anew as a trio in 2016 and continued as a group.
Ten years have passed since she passed away, but her music still deeply touches me.
And there are continuing voices of nostalgia for her.
2024/09/07 07:50 KST
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