North Korea criticizes ”ocean release” of treated water from Fukushima nuclear power plant as ”nuclear terrorism and crime against humanity”
North Korea has strongly condemned the release of treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean, which has been ongoing for over a year, as "nuclear terrorism" and an "anti-human crime."
North Korea's foreign media, the Korean Central News Agency, posted the following on its website on the 7th:
In an article titled "We must deal with the heinous and shameless behavior of the island nation's thugs," the article stated, "(Japan) must deal with the nuclear-contaminated water (treated water)."
"Instead, they have transformed into nuclear terrorists who threaten the survival of the human race, and are arousing the anger of the international community," he said.
"They are desperately trying to cover up their immoral acts by saying things like, 'It's safe to drink because the tritium concentration in the surrounding sea area is well below the standard. It's safe to drink.'"
He also said, "In the fourth release, TEPCO discharged the nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean without treating it," and "After the release of the Fukushima nuclear power plant contaminated water, the tritium content in the Russian Far East sea area increased sharply."
The article focused on the results of research conducted by the Russian Pacific Oceanographic Institute.
2024/09/09 08:03 KST
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