「親“韓東勲”系」人物を除いた尹大統領と与党の “非公開夕食会”=韓国
A private dinner between President Yoon and the ruling party, excluding pro-Han Dong-hoon figures = South Korea
South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol and some of the ruling party's top committee members and senior lawmakers held a private dinner at the government office in Seoul on the 8th of this month.
It was learned that ruling party Chairman Han Dong-hoon and other members of the pro-Han leadership did not attend the dinner.
Kim Jong-hyuk, a pro-Korean ruling party supreme committee member, spoke about the dinner in an interview with a Korean radio program on the morning of the 9th.
In response to the question, he said, "I was not present." He continued, "I have not been contacted," and added, "It was 'private,' so how could they have found out about what happened yesterday so quickly this morning? It's really strange."
The "formal" dinner between President Yoon and ruling party leaders, including Chairman Han, which was originally scheduled to take place at the end of August, has been postponed until after the mid-autumn celebration.
The private dinner was held amid a backlash from Kim Jong Un. Kim said, "If you look at it in a positive way, it could be interpreted as an effort to listen to diverse opinions in the presidential office."
"If you look at it a little negatively, you could say, 'Why did they postpone what was supposed to happen before the mid-autumn celebration until after the mid-autumn celebration, and then do it (privately) before the mid-autumn celebration?' But the truth is somewhere between these two interpretations.
I think that's what will happen."
2024/09/09 16:59 KST
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