北の「ゴミ風船」により倉庫が “火災”…930万円の「被害」=韓国
Warehouse catches fire due to North Korean ”trash balloon”... 9.3 million yen ”damage” = South Korea
At around 2 p.m. on the 8th of this month, a fire broke out on the roof of a warehouse in Paju, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, when a "garbage balloon" that had flown from North Korea fell on the roof and was put out three hours later.
No casualties were reported, but 330 square meters of the roof of one warehouse was burned, causing damages worth 87,293,000 won (approximately 9.3 million yen).
Police and fire authorities believe the fire started when an explosive attached to the balloon burned along with other rubbish, and are currently investigating the exact cause of the fire.
2024/09/09 17:00 KST
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