Experts say South Korean government to play leading role in new security issues within the UN Security Council
The experts said, "As a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2024-2025 term, South Korea will be tasked with handling issues on the Korean Peninsula and North Korea within the Security Council, and will also be tasked with developing new functions such as cybersecurity.
On the 9th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea said that it had held a meeting with scholars from the Korean Association of International Relations on the 6th of this month.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also held a meeting with the Korean Association of the United Nations System Studies last month. On this day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it will continue to implement the UN Security Council Presidency from June this year, as well as other activities related to the UN Security Council.
The experts explained the results of their activities as a non-permanent member of the Security Council and shared recent developments. They said, "We will increase our engagement with the Global South based on Korea's unique position of having experienced the development and democratization process first-hand."
While promoting the Security Council, we will also actively play our role in facilitating consensus building within the Security Council and will continue to pay attention to internal and external factors within the Security Council, such as changes in the Security Council member structure and the ripple effects of the results of the U.S. presidential election next year.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "As a member of the Security Council, the highest decision-making body in the field of international peace and security, Korea will continue to cooperate with academic societies, which are the foundation of domestic knowledge.
"It was a useful opportunity to increase communication and exchange, and to listen to the suggestions of experts, which will serve as a reference for determining future policy directions."
2024/09/10 08:11 KST
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