”Appearance comment” sparks controversy...Opposition lawmaker apologizes to ruling party leader = South Korea
On the 10th, Rep. Jin Sung-jun (chairman of the policy committee) of the Democratic Party of Korea, the largest opposition party in South Korea, responded to the controversy over his comments on "appearance evaluation" by Han Dong-hoon of the ruling People Power Party.
I apologized to Chairman Han Dong-hoon. Assemblyman Chin wrote on social media this morning, "I apologize to Chairman Han of the ruling party." Assemblyman Chin said, "I saw Chairman Han at the meeting between the ruling and opposition parties on September 1st.
In response to a question about what impression it made on him, he wrote, "I may have gone too far," and "I had no intention of belittling his appearance or desecrating his character."
He continued, "These were merely my personal opinions, but I would like to sincerely apologize if my excessive expression caused offense."
On the 6th of this month, Rep. Jin commented on Chairman Han's appearance while appearing on his YouTube channel.
In response to the question, "Do you think Chairman Han is 180 cm tall?", Rep. Jin replied, "I think he was wearing something like a secret shoe that day too.
" Rep. Chin also said, "It was the first time I've seen his face up close and shook his hand, but he looks like an alien. His facial structure and expression are a little unnatural, as if he's been remodeled.
"I felt a little uncomfortable and it made me feel a little sick," he said. Rep. Chin's "appearance comment" caused controversy, and a spokesman for the ruling party said on the 9th, "This is a political attack that has gone too far."
"Random abusive language is the main culprit behind the regression of our country's politics."
2024/09/10 17:00 KST
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