Will the increase in medical school admission quota be scrapped? ... Presidential office: ”We cannot play games like this” = South Korea
On the 11th, the White House drew a line at scrapping the medical community's request to increase medical school admissions quotas for 2025 and 2026, saying, "We cannot engage in any bargaining."
Jang Sang-yoon, the head of the presidential office's social affairs department, appeared on Yonhap News TV on the same day and said, "The 2,000 people will be medically supported by the government, which will do its best to provide scientific evidence.
"This answer was reached after much discussion and effort with the medical community, and if it is incorrect, then a new answer with supporting evidence will be presented before discussion can begin."
He continued, "We can't just go back to the basics or pretend it never happened. The supply and demand issue for doctors is a matter of determining how adequate the talent is.
"This is a decision to be made, and there are so many variables and assumptions that the scientific element is the most important factor in making the decision," he said.
Regarding the establishment of a ruling and opposition party medical affairs council to seek a solution to the situation, "The key is the participation of the medical community"
"The ruling and opposition parties and the government are all ready. Some organizations have expressed their intention to participate," he said. He added, "We will discuss with the People's Power (the ruling party) and reach out to various organizations and institutions one by one."
We are in contact with them. We will do our best to make such efforts and it would be ideal if a dramatic scene could be created before the mid-autumn celebration (Chuseok).
Regarding whether or not the council will be launched before the mid-autumn celebration holidays, he said, "We are working together with the party to do that, but whether or not it can be done will ultimately depend on the medical community."
It depends on the reaction."
2024/09/11 20:48 KST
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