Han Dong-hoon, leader of People's Power, says Korea will move Industrial Bank of Korea to Busan
Han Dong-hoon, leader of the ruling People's Power Party, said on the 11th, "As long as I am in politics, I will do my utmost to move Industrial Bank of Korea to Busan until the very end."
Han made the remarks in a meeting with reporters after visiting Yangsan Busan National University Hospital. Han also spoke at the Geumcheon (Geumcheon) meeting in Busan, where a by-election for the head of a local government was being held that day.
Han visited the district of Geumjeong and promised to "officially recognize local talent." A by-election for the district mayor is scheduled for the 16th of next month. Han said, "In the end, the by-election is about who will be more responsible in managing the people's livelihood.
"We promise to recognize the right people and give top priority to managing the public's livelihood," he said at a cafe in Geumjeong-gu.
He held a student meeting and stated, "We place the improvement of young people's lives at the top of our policy goals. We must do something to address the young people's desire for good jobs and their sense of dismay at regional differences."
"Busan is a very attractive city and the second largest city in Korea, but I can't find a good job and I feel dissatisfied," he said.
"If more people move to the capital area, Busan's population will decrease and the birth rate will fall, creating a vicious cycle," he said.
He made clear his intention to provide support to help these industries grow.
2024/09/11 20:48 KST
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