The Korean Imperial Embassy, the stage for US-Korea diplomacy, is now a US national heritage site.
The Korean Empire Embassy in Washington DC, which was the stage for US-Korea diplomacy during the period from Joseon to the Korean Empire, is listed as a National Historic Site (NRHP) of the United States.
On the 11th, the National Heritage Administration of Korea and the Overseas Cultural Heritage Foundation received the official registration from the National Park Service of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
The official name of the building is "Old Korean Legation."
National historic sites are districts designated by the National Historic Landmarks Act as being historically significant or of artistic value.
The term "building," "structure," "object," etc. are specified by law.
Korean-related facilities in the United States owned by the Korean government are listed as national historic sites by the U.S. federal government.
This registration is particularly significant in that it officially recognizes the site's value not only in Korean history but also in the history of the United States as a non-state embassy.
2024/09/12 08:09 KST
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