韓国大統領室「耳を疑う医大生の暴言に “驚愕”」
South Korean Presidential Office: ”Shocked” by medical student's outrageous remarks
On the 12th, the South Korean presidential office conveyed to some medical students, "We are shocked by the outrageous remarks that are hard to believe." A presidential office official told reporters on the same day, "Doctors are there to heal the wounds of the people.
"These kinds of doctors are in the minority, and I think the majority of doctors care about the lives of the public," he said, adding, "I don't think the comments of some doctors are enough to cause pain."
"I hope that the public will not be traumatized by this," he added. Recently, in an online community for doctors and medical students, some medical students wrote, "After visiting multiple emergency rooms,
The South Korean government requested an investigation on the 11th after it was revealed that he had said things like, "I don't feel anything even if a patient dies," and "I just hope more people die so that they can make the news."
2024/09/13 07:59 KST
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