The Democratic Party of Korea criticizes ”Kim Kun-hee, the wife of the number one in the power hierarchy...resuming blatant reckless behavior” (South Korea)
On the 15th, the Democratic Party of Korea said, "Even on the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a great national holiday, President Yoon Seok-yeol and his wife continue to run counter to public opinion. Kim Gun-Hee, who has been named as the source of all corruption and scandals,
"Mrs. Kim Kun-hee has resumed her blatant reckless behavior, starting with the mid-autumn celebration," Cho Seung-rae, chief spokesman for the Democratic Party, said in the afternoon of the same day, "We are not concerned about the boiling public sentiment.
"The only answer is a special prosecutor," Cho said in a written commentary entitled, "The transfer of designer bags, construction of the presidential office and the official residence relocation,
"Is Kim Kun-hee's gift to the nation as a mid-autumn celebration after facing countless allegations, including allegations of interference in the official endorsement of her husband, a shameless resumption of her activities?" he asked.
"Mrs. Kim inspected the Mapo Bridge, delivered a speech at the President's mid-autumn celebration, and then
On the 1st, she visited a facility for disabled children. She had her own schedule separate from President Yoon. It is shocking that the First Lady, who has no official authority, thinks she is on the same level as the president."
Cho said, "The second trial ruling in the German Motors stock price manipulation case has further strengthened suspicions of Kim's involvement, and the results of the audit into illegal construction work at the Prime Minister's Office only recently sparked public outrage.
It was only a few days ago, but they don't seem to care at all. All the state agencies, from the prosecutors to the Board of Audit and Inspection and the Anti-Corruption Commission, are mobilized to protect Mrs. Kim, so it can only be said that she is the only one who is superior in the world."
He also criticized, "The public is astonished at the way Mrs. Kim is getting carried away. The Presidential Office also said that they plan for Mrs. Kim to continue to be more active in the future. The Presidential Office said, 'There are two presidents, so we are not going to be able to do anything.'"
"Isn't she afraid of the public's anger that 'Is Kim the first in the power hierarchy?'" he added sarcastically, "The place where Kim should go now is the special counsel's office.
"I want people to get rid of the illusion that they can hide behind such vile powers as the president who has repeatedly vetoed prosecutors and the political prosecutors who have violated judicial justice," he said.
"As we promised the public, we will definitely implement the special investigation into Kim Il Sung," Cho said. "We will use all available means, including the special investigation, to bring Kim Il Sung to justice."
"We will do justice to the Republic of Korea," he said.
2024/09/15 20:55 KST
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