≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」19話、刑務所から釈放された高啓強が再び動き出す=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV SeriesNOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” EP19, Gao Qiqiang, released from prison, starts moving again = Synopsis / Spoilers
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
Episode 19 of "Beginning" shows Gao Qiqiang, who has been released from prison, becoming active again.
The day after Secretary Wang told Li Xiang to release Li Hongwei quickly, Li Xiang released Li Hongwei.
Ng Xin was suspicious of Li Xiang's attitude. Meanwhile, the newly established construction team was engaged in fierce fighting with the villagers. In the midst of the chaos, the head of the Public Security Bureau, Guo Wenjian,
When Meng Dehai and An Xin visit him in the hospital, Guo Wenjian tells An Xin that the conflict is complicated.
After being released from prison, Gao Qiqiang visits three former construction company executives and tells them to back him up. He also discovers that a recording device has been installed in their car.
Gao Qiqiang decided to take on the village renovation project again. Gao Qiqiang visits the casino owner's former to meet Zhang Daqing. But the casino owner
He didn't know where Zhang Daqing had gone. That night, An Xin and Meng Yu were on a date when Li Hongwei happened to be passing by and spotted them.
Then I realized something.
2024/09/18 20:13 KST
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