【オフィシャルレポ】YOON SAN-HA(ASTRO)、自身初のソロファンコンサート日本公演を大盛況に完走!
[Official Report] YOON SAN-HA (ASTRO) completes his first solo fan concert in Japan with great success!
Yoon San-Ha (ASTRO) held his first solo fan concert ‘2024 YOON SAN-HA FANCON [Dusk Till Dawn] in Japan’ on the 14th and 15th September at NHK Osaka Hall and on the 17th and 18th September at Omiya Sonic City Grand Hall. They sang all the songs from their first solo mini-album ‘DUSK’ released in Korea on the 6th August, as well as cover songs of old and new J-POP and ASTRO songs, for a total of 10 songs with a live band. In the talk corner, he also answered fans' questions about “past, present and future”.

Yoon San-Ha is the youngest member of the popular K-pop group ASTRO. As each member of ASTRO is active not only in music but also in acting and solo activities, Yoon San-Ha, 2024, has also been very active in acting, starring in the musical Love's Emergency Landing in Japan in February and July and appearing in the drama Family X Melo (JTBC), which was broadcast in Korea until the 15th September. He has also been very active in acting. On the music front, he successfully held a small theatre concert ‘YOON SAN-HA SANiGHT Project #1 - Wish’ in Japan and South Korea in March, and released his first solo mini-album ‘DUSK’ on the 6th August, eight years after his debut, for this first fancon. This article reports on the Omiya concert on the 17th September.

The fancon opened with ‘Fox Star’, in which Yoon San-Ha, sitting on a stool, enveloped the audience with his soft voice to the slow sound of the live band. He introduced himself as Yoon San-Ha who made his solo debut’ and excited the audience, explaining that he wrote and composed this song in ‘DUSK’ to make the audience feel the warmth of my voice and sound.

In the first section of the fan meeting part, <RETRO TO MZ>, the best J-POP songs of the retro generation before 2010 and the MZ generation after that were ranked according to the songs recommended by fans in advance. No. 3 on this performance's ‘RETRO’ list was HY's ‘366 Days’, which he said he was able to hear for the first time thanks to this project; when he and the band sang just the chorus of No. 2 SMAP's ‘One and Only Flower in the World’, he said, "Hey, I know this song. I know this song, I sang it at the ASTRO fan meeting! GRe4N BOYZ's ‘Kiseki’, which won first place, was performed in full chorus. The third-placed MZ group YOASOBI danced to the chorus of ‘Idol’ from the challenge video they had seen before the performance, to which the audience shouted ‘Cute! When they sang the chorus of Mrs. GREEN APPLE's ‘Blue and Summer’ (No. 2), they seemed to like the song so much that they said ‘If I had known this song before the summer, I would have listened to it all summer." He laughed and said, "Thanks to all of you, I got to know wonderful songs. Even though we speak different languages, the power of songs is amazing. I hope my songs will be recommended to other singers one day. I will work hard until that happens!"’ He said enthusiastically.

In the next song, ‘Dusk or Dawn’, he answered questions from fans about ‘the past, present and future’. In response to a question about his ‘past’, he answered "It was in the fifth grade that I got the chance to become a singer. The director of the music academy where I went to learn guitar recognised me as a singer and asked me to teach singing for free. Then someone from an agency came to the academy and I auditioned, and here I am now. I'm really grateful to the director," he said, sharing a backstory. He was also asked, "How did San-Ha, who debuted at the age of 16, work towards his dream?" He was amazed at the question "Sixteen years old, you are so young! He marvelled, ‘My father's dream was to be a singer. I grew up watching my father play the guitar, and my older brothers also played guitar, wrote songs and played drums, so music was close to me and I started dreaming of being a singer. When I was a trainee and had to endure hard times, I was able to endure them because I thought of my family. I still want to keep running more and more, and at 16 I still have a lot of time left, so don't be in a hurry and live life with a happy heart, and you'll find what you love.’ he offered meaningful advice. What about 10 years from now?" He replied "I can't even think about being 35 years old! But I'd be happy if I could meet AROHA (the collective name for ASTRO fans) at a big concert venue." He then asked the fans, "Who am I at 35, as seen by AROHA?"

After the talk, he sang ‘Losing My Mind’, which he said was the first song he wanted to include in his first solo album, and his light, high tone voice echoed.

In the second half of the song, he changed into a sequined rider's jacket and transformed into the rocker Yoon San-Ha. He started the second half of the show as the rocker Yoon San-Ha, who asked the audience, "Are you excited?" He then showed his dynamic vocals in ‘Bleeding’ with its distorted guitar sound, and attacked the audience with alternative rock in ‘Dive’, the title track of the album.

The band's first time performing together since ‘SANiGHT’. SANiGHT' was a cover song, but this time I got to show AROHA my own songs and I feel great! What about rock? If I get to release an album in Japan, I want to do it with a rock concept. When he mesmerised the audience with his groovy ensemble with the band on ‘BITTERSWEET MISTAKE’, he said "I thought this song might not suit me as I like acoustic songs (......), but it was well received by everyone, so it's a strange feeling. I feel strange. I'm happy to show this song to AROHA," he smiled and closed the show with the mature ballad “Rain Down On Me”.

For the encore, which was greeted with loud ‘Yoon San-Ha calls’, they created a cheerful mood with ‘24 Hours’, a solo song from ASTRO's album ‘Drive to the Starry Road’, and surprised fans by singing the lyrics of the last verse in Japanese. He then said, "I heard your encores, so I changed my clothes quickly. I couldn't wait for Cha Eun-Woo and the other members to come out for encore when I went to their concerts, so I know how you feel", he said, "It's very strange to see me standing on this stage in front of so many fans. I wonder how long I've been standing here ....... It's all thanks to AROHA. I will come back next time with even more growth, so please be well."

During the encore song ‘24 Hours’, fans raised the slogan ‘San-Ha's walking road will be brightly lit forever! >, an event in which fans held up the slogan ‘SAN-HA's path will be brightly lit forever’. Seeing this, Yoon San-Ha said "AROHA is amazing. There are so many people on earth who love and support me. I get so much love from ...... because I'm cute?" He made his fans laugh with his cute pose and declared, "I will work with this grateful feeling." He then sang ASTRO's ‘Better with you’, saying, "It's been seven years since this song was released, but thank you for still being by my side as ever" and added, "AROHA's always by my side, SAN-HA! He then sang ASTRO's ‘Better with you" and said "AROHA's always by your side, SAN-HA! and walked off the stage."

The fancon, which conveys Yoon San-Ha's love and personality for music and his great love and appreciation for AROHA, will be followed by the final event on the 5th and 6th October at Seoul Blue Square MasterCard Hall in Seoul, South Korea.
2024/09/19 10:45 KST
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