≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」23話、高啟盛の単独的な行動に怒りを露わにする高啓強=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV SeriesNOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” 2EP3, Gao Qiqiang expresses anger at Gao Qisheng's exclusive behavior = Synopsis / Story Barre
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 3 of "Beginning 2," Gao Qiqiang is shown expressing his anger at Gao Qisheng's exclusive behavior.
Gao Qiqiang discovers someone using drugs at Tang Xiaolong's game center. Gao Qisheng
He apologized and explained that he had nothing to do with the kidnapping incident. Gao Qiqiang ordered Gao Qisheng to resolve the issue as soon as possible, given the seriousness of the case.
Li Hongwei brought Meng Yu to the junkyard. Meanwhile, the police and the drug enforcement team
They decided to work together to solve the case. Gao Qisheng decided to help Meng Yu with Lao Mo to prevent Gao Qiqiang from getting involved in the case. At the same time, An Xin
The police also managed to identify the address and rushed to the scene. Just as Li Hongwei was about to attack Meng Yu, Gao Qisheng and Lao Mo entered the junkyard with weapons. Gao Qisheng hit Li Hongwei with the weapon.
Lao Mo rescued Meng Yu. An Xin then took Meng Yu to the hospital. Li Hongwei was in a deep coma and was taken to the hospital for first aid. Meanwhile, Gao Qiqiang was in Gao Qisheng's
Anxin was angry at Meng Yu's exclusive behavior. He reported the information he had obtained from Meng Yu to Guo Wenjian and suspected his relationship with Gao Qiqiang.
2024/09/22 19:31 KST
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