≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」24話、事件現場付近で同じ車が目撃される=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV SeriesNOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” 2EP4, the same car was spotted near the crime scene = Synopsis / Spoilers
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 4 of "Beginning 2," the same car is spotted near the crime scene.
A young man from the village destroyed Tang Xiaolong's game center. Upon hearing this, Gao Qiqiang
At that time, An Xin found out from the security camera footage that on the day of the incident, Tang Xiaohu's car was near the arcade.
They then discover that the car in the video is Lao Mo's. At the Criminal Investigation Conference, they learn that the same car has been seen near multiple crime scenes.
After the incident was discovered, the police determined that the driver of the car was the likely culprit. Li Hongwei woke up and the police team was waiting outside his hospital room for questioning.
When An Xin heard that Gao Qiqiang had come to the hospital, she rushed to his room and prevented him from entering.
When An Xin realized that Gao Qiqiang was there, she rushed to his house and asked him about his brother Gao Qisheng's whereabouts, but Gao Qiqiang simply replied that he did not know.
2024/09/23 22:58 KST
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