President Yoon Seok-yeol sends congratulatory letter and gift to quintuplets on birth... ”I will work hard to create a happy future” = South Korea
President Yoon Seok-yeol congratulated a married couple of quintuplets who are public education officials in Dongducheon City, Gyeonggi Province.
On the 22nd, the Presidential Office announced that they had sent congratulatory letters, baby clothes, and natural seaweed to the couple of quintuplets.
President Yoon's congratulatory letter and gift were delivered to the quintuplets' father, Kim Junyeong, by Yoo Hye-mi, senior secretary for the National Diet on the issue of low birthrates, who visited Seoul Seongmo Hospital.
On the 20th, during his official visit to the Czech Republic, the president also congratulated the birth of the quintuplets through Facebook. In his congratulatory letter, President Yoon wrote, "Korean quintuplets, a rare pair of quintuplets, have been born.
"It is a joy for all of us. We will work hard to create a happy future for the parents and their five children together."
President Yoon's congratulatory gift was five-colored baby clothes and natural seaweed, with the hopes of children's health and happiness.
The President's Office explained that this was meant to pray for the mother's speedy recovery after giving birth. The quintuplets and their parents were given First Meet Vouchers (a voucher program that provides financial support to families with newborn babies).
14 million won (approximately 1,511,020 yen), pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses support of 5 million won (539,650 yen), dispatch of health care specialists to postpartum women and newborns, continuous newborn health management services,
Various government support will be provided, including additional support for national scholarships and exemptions from interest on student loans.
We plan to actively support them with a positive attitude."
2024/09/22 20:48 KST
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