North Korean Foreign Minister attends international conference in Russia, emphasizes denial of tolerance for hostile acts
North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, who visited Russia, said, "The Republic will not tolerate any hostile acts that threaten the sovereignty and dignity of the state or the well-being of the people. We will continue to fight for justice and a strong
"We will defend peace and security on the Korean Peninsula with all our might," he said. The Rodong Sinmun, the newspaper of the Workers' Party of North Korea, said on the 22nd that Foreign Minister Choe was attending the 18th-20th summit in St. Petersburg, Russia.
She was reported to have made the remarks at the 4th Eurasian Women's Forum, held in Tokyo on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2019, at a forum themed "Diplomacy and Geopolitics in the 21st Century: Women's Perspectives on Resolving Global Issues."
Foreign Minister Choi stated, "Today, geopolitical confrontations and conflicts continue to occur around the world, and global peace and stability are under serious threat. The root cause is the pursuit of hegemony and selfish interests that go against the aspirations of the international community.
"The current geopolitical crisis facing the 21st century must be ended, and all nations must live in freedom and peace," he said.
"To achieve prosperity in a sustainable environment and promote unity and cooperation among nations, we need to build a multipolar world based on autonomy and justice," he said.
"The security environment on the Korean Peninsula is currently under strain due to the exclusive alliance-seeking policies of the United States and some of its followers," Choi said.
"The Ukrainian crisis is one of the geopolitical crises facing the world today, and we have been stuck in a vicious cycle of escalation and conflict, and have recently reached a critical point of even greater danger," he said.
"The situation is a direct result of the confrontational anti-Russian policies of the United States and the West, which have systematically undermined Russia's legitimate and reasonable security interests over the past few decades," he said, adding that he was "adamant that we must not accept the hegemonic policies of hostile forces."
"We express our unwavering support for the just struggle of the Russian military and people to resolutely defend the country's sovereignty and security," the Rodong Sinmun reported.
Minister Choi spoke at the first BRICS Women's Forum, entitled "The Future of BRICS: A Cooperation Outlook."
He also attended the conference and assessed that the event was significant in enhancing the role of women in promoting friendship and cooperation among all peoples and nations that aspire for independence, peace and justice.
Regarding Foreign Minister Choi's attendance at the Russia-led BRICS forum, he said that this was a stepping stone to counter anti-Western solidarity and to join international organizations together with Russia.
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2024/09/23 06:30 KST
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