North Korean elite former member politician criticizes Moon Jae-in administration's former presidential chief of staff for ”stopping unification” remarks
In response to Im Jong-seok, who served as chief of staff to the president in the former Moon Jae-in administration, saying, "Let's stop unifying with North Korea," North Korea has sent a message to South Korea.
Thae Yong-ho, Secretary-General of the National Unification Advisory Council, a former member of the North Korean diplomatic service who defected to the United Nations in 2016, directly criticized the move on the 22nd.
I would like to ask how those who have been calling for unification at all costs could so easily give up on unification, and what it was that they had been hoping for sincerely up until that point."
"What Kim Jong Eun, the North Korean leader, has given up on is not unification, but only peaceful reunification," said Thae, a former member of the North Korean embassy in the UK.
"The reason Kim is promoting the 'hostile two-state theory' is because he is worried that the influence of the Korean Wave will make it difficult for him to maintain his power," he said.
"The internal situation has become so serious that we have decided to cut off all inter-Korean relations," he said. "Now that North Korea is advocating the idea of a hostile two-state system and pursuing an anti-unification policy,
"Rather, now is the time to unite even more firmly our will for free unification based on liberal democracy."
On the 19th, Lim delivered the keynote speech at the ceremony commemorating the sixth anniversary of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration.
Throughout the talks, he said, "Let's stop unification," and "Let's accept the objective reality and accept two countries."
2024/09/23 08:14 KST
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