Presidential office refutes each and every bill pushed through by the opposition party, teasing the use of veto power... South Korea
On the 19th, the Presidential Office hinted at exercising its veto power against three bills that were forced through under the leadership of the Democratic Party: the Special Prosecutor's Act on Mrs. Kim Gun-Hee, the Special Prosecutor's Act on Corporal Choi, and the Local Currency Act.
The Presidential Office stated that it is the President's duty and responsibility to exercise his veto power against unconstitutional and illegal bills, and pointed out the problems with each bill one by one.
Regarding the exclusive meeting between the President and People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon, he drew a line at it, saying it was "an issue to be discussed in the future."
A presidential office official told reporters at the presidential office in Yongsan on the 23rd, "It is unconstitutional and illegal.
"We will not compromise on the fact that the opposition party pushed through the bill with an exclusive clause without any social sympathy," he said.
It violates the autonomy of the local government and the constitutional right of the government to formulate a budget. By directing a large amount of the budget to the capital region, it creates a phenomenon in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Regarding the special counsel bill for Kim, he said, "It violates the principle of separation of powers in the Constitution, and the special counsel recommended by the opposition party is not a party that has been proposed by the opposition party."
"We cannot guarantee political neutrality and fairness by investigating suspicions and allegations that have been made against us," he said.
There is a risk that the facts of the suspects and the details of the investigation will be leaked through real-time briefings. There is a high risk of infection in a trial of public opinion, and there is always the possibility of human rights violations due to excessive manpower allocation.
He also criticized the bill for special counsel for Corporal Choi, saying, "In addition to violating the principle of separation of powers, the fact that the High-Ranking Public Officials Crimes Investigation Agency is already investigating the matter means that the special counsel will be appointed according to the opposition party's wishes and that a biased investigation will be carried out."
He also raised concerns about a public trial of the investigation targets, targeting by excessive personnel allocation, and over-investigation.
The President's Office said of the dinner with the People's Power leadership scheduled for tomorrow, "We will encourage the new leadership.
Regarding the success of the exclusive talks between President Yoon and Representative Han, he dismissed the idea, saying, "Exclusive talks are not necessarily going to be successful tomorrow. It's something that will be discussed separately."
2024/09/23 20:39 KST
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