「統一やめよう」と発言した文在寅政権の元大統領秘書室長…「民主党の再執権時に南北対話が再開は “誤算”」
The former Chief of Staff of the President of the Moon Jae-in administration who said, ”Let's stop unification”... ”It was a miscalculation that North-South dialogue would resume when the Democratic Party returned to power”
On the 23rd, Im Jong-seok, who served as chief of staff to the president in the former Moon Jae-in administration, said, "Let's accept the objective reality and embrace the 'two nations' system."
Regarding the “two-nation theory” that he spoke about on the 19th, Lim emphasized, “Let’s move from idealism to reality.”
"Is it really that difficult to put a stop to unification and live under two national systems, moving back and forth peacefully and cooperating with each other?" he wrote.
He continued, "Ideally, future generations should be able to make the decision when peace has been established and exchanges and cooperation have become commonplace to the point where it is OK to talk about unification."
"It is the Yoon Seok-yeol administration that is firmly aligned with North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun's 'two hostile countries'," he said.
"If the Democratic Party of Korea returns to power, will dialogue between the North and South resume as before?
"It is also a big miscalculation to think that denuclearization discussions will take place," he said, explaining, "The process for peaceful coexistence and cooperation is becoming much more complicated."
"This announcement was made courageously after a long period of agonizing," Lim said, adding, "I look forward to healthy discussion."
On the 19th, during a keynote speech at the ceremony commemorating the sixth anniversary of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration, Lim called for "stopping unification," "accepting objective reality and accepting two countries," and "avoiding the idea of unification."
Hello," he said.
2024/09/23 17:03 KST
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