In a media interview, Hoskinson criticized Ethereum’s current governance model, saying, “Ethereum is a dictatorship.
"The system is overly reliant on co-founder Vitalik Buterin for direction," he said, "and Calvin Klein's 'Voltaire-era' governance reforms are likely to lead to an independent, blockchain-like blockchain like Ethereum."
"This will prevent arbitration and avoid the anarchy of Bitcoin," he said. He went on to say that blockchain can keep the protocol simple, like Bitcoin.
However, Caluda's new governance model is a combination of delegated representatives and a member-based system called Intersect.
"Through a system of trust, we solve the triple dilemma of governance: efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity," he emphasized. With these three things, we can avoid the anarchy of Bitcoin and the dictatorship of Ethereum.
The explanation is that we will have a fair chance to avoid these things, and we can still move forward with one voice in a decentralized structure that represents everyone.
"Everyone asks him for a roadmap, everyone is inspired by him, and he brings people together," he said.
"He's the only person who can do that," he said, adding, "If we remove him now, what will the next hard fork be and how quickly can we get there?"
Hoskinson said Buterin is shifting Ethereum’s roadmap from sharding-based optimization to rollups and Layer 2 networking.
In recent months, the Ethereum roadmap has been shaped by a decline in Layer 1 fee revenue and activity, and exploitative L2s have been encouraged.
Finally, while Ethereum believes it is heavily influenced by Buterin’s vision, he has been criticized for exercising arbitrary power over the decentralized network.
He said he hadn't.
2024/09/25 17:33 KST
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