韓国与党の市長「尹大統領と与党代表の今の姿は “保守の壊滅”をもたらし得る」
South Korean ruling party mayor: ”The current state of President Yoon and the ruling party leader could bring about the 'extinction of conservatives'”
Shin Sang-jin, Mayor of Seongnam and a member of the ruling People Power Party, sharply criticized the Yoon Seok-yeol administration for the “medical confusion.”
He posted a meaningful message on social media: "Please keep in mind that the current state of the party leader could lead to the destruction of conservatives in the upcoming local elections and the next presidential election."
Mayor Shin said on the 27th, "The reason for the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye was that there was a deep emotional rift between then President Park and the ruling party leader.
"The serious issue now is not who is right or wrong, but the current state of President Yoon and Chairman Han will have a major impact on the future local elections and the next presidential election," he said.
"We must bear in mind that this could bring about the demise of conservatism in the future, and we must seek a change of course with great magnanimity, taking a public stance that goes beyond the individual," he said.
He also said, "Both of us must put ourselves in each other's shoes and work for the common good.
"You could become a criminal before history," he said.
2024/09/27 16:09 KST
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