≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」28話、指導チームを厄介に思った高啓強が策を講じる=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” 2EP8, Gao Qiqiang, who finds the leadership team troublesome, takes measures = Synopsis / Spoilers R
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 8 of "Beginning 2," Gao Qiqiang, who finds the leadership team troublesome, is shown coming up with a solution.
Tang Xiaohu reports the findings of the leadership team to Gao Qiqiang, who humiliates the leadership team in front of the people of Jinghai City.
Meanwhile, Xu Zhong and Ji Ze of the leadership team called An Xin to understand the situation and asked where to start the investigation.
An Xin sent his subordinates to investigate, but was not confident in the results. Xu Zhong explained to An Xin that they had come to Jinghai to wipe out the mastermind behind the crime.
Impressed by his words, An Xin revealed that he had contacted the village's executives. Villager Liu Jinsheng had seen Tang Xiaohu blackmailing and murdering people in the village.
The leadership team launched an investigation. Meanwhile, Xu Zhong discovered that Tang Xiaohu had purchased a plane ticket and ordered his immediate arrest.
2024/09/29 01:12 KST
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