South Korean media also reports the results of the LDP presidential election
The news that Shigeru Ishiba (67), former Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party, was selected as the new president of the party on the 27th was also reported by Korean media. Ishiba was described as a "non-mainstream dove."
The South Korean newspaper Hankyoreh said, "He is a relatively positive person when it comes to historical issues, and his influence on Korea-Japan relations will be of interest," but added, "He is fundamentally a conservative politician in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan.
"It will be difficult to break away from the basic position of the Japanese government," he said. A record nine candidates ran in the LDP presidential election to decide the successor to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Voting took place on the 27th, and
In the first round of voting, neither candidate received a majority, and in the runoff election, Mr. Ishiba defeated Minister of State for Economic Security Sanae Takaichi (63), who had been the top candidate in the first round of voting, and was elected as the 28th president of the LDP.
Ishiba won the presidency in his fifth attempt. He will be nominated as the 102nd Prime Minister at the extraordinary Diet session to be convened on October 1.
At a press conference on the evening of the 27th, Ishiba said, "Former LDP President Kishida has taken responsibility for the various problems surrounding the LDP.
"I have decided to withdraw, and this is how the presidential election has turned out. Together with my party comrades, I will do my utmost to repay the feelings of former president Kishida," he said.
Regarding dissolution and a general election, he said, "I would like you to make a decision after discussing it with the opposition parties. However, we must reach a decision as soon as possible. Combining these two points, we will hold the election at the appropriate time."
"I want to decide on the timing," he said, indicating his intention to go ahead with the plan after holding debates with the opposition parties in the Diet. Subsequent reports said that the plan was being adjusted with the announcement of the election on October 15 and the voting on the 27th as the central focus.
The news that Ishiba had been selected as the new president was also reported by the Korean media. The public broadcaster KBS reported the election results in detail, and said of the new president, "Within the LDP, Ishiba is considered to be a man of right-wing tendencies."
He is notable for expressing a dovish view of history that differs from that of lawmakers, and has also expressed a negative view of visiting Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrines Class A war criminals from the Pacific War."
"Even when Korea-Japan relations deteriorated, he has shown a positive will to improve relations," he said, adding, "As a result, the Korea-Japan relations that improved significantly between President Yoon Seok-yeol and Prime Minister Kishida have been slightly improved.
At the very least, there is a view that the relationship will not worsen due to historical issues between the two countries." The Dong-A Ilbo also reported, "In opposition to the conservative hardliner Abe (former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe),
"Ishiba has been regarded as a relatively positive person on Korea-Japan relations among the LDP's leading politicians," the report said, describing him as "a moderate compared to Takaichi, a right-winger who has publicly declared her intention to visit the Yasukuni Shrine."
Hankyoreh reported that Ishiba had previously said about historical issues, "The root of many of our problems lies in the fact that we have not squarely faced up to our war responsibility since our defeat in the war."
While introducing him as "among LDP politicians, he is one of the more forward-thinking politicians on the issue," he also said that he believes the Supreme Court's ruling ordering Japanese companies to pay compensation in the former forced labor lawsuit case is a violation of international law.
He also pointed out that South Korea is asserting sovereignty over the Takeshima Islands (known as Dokdo in Korean) in Shimane Prefecture, which are under the effective control of South Korea. He expressed concern that the conservative politician is a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
"The security policy advocated by Mr. Ha itself has a hawkish element," he said.
"We will continue to cooperate with the Japanese Cabinet, which will be in close communication with the new administration, to maintain the positive momentum of Korea-Japan relations," he said.
"We are the closest neighbors and cooperative partners that pursue common interests in security, economy, and the global agenda," he said, adding, "We hope that the two countries will work together to develop a future-oriented relationship with a forward-looking attitude."
On the 28th and 29th, the Japan-Korea Exchange Festival, a Japan-Korea exchange event, was held at Komazawa Olympic Park in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo.
Regarding Ishiba's election as the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party, Ambassador to Japan Park Chul-hee said, "I hope that he will continue to vigorously carry on the achievements of Prime Minister Kishida in improving relations."
2024/09/30 16:00 KST
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