最大野党代表「石破氏は “差別化された”歴史認識を持った方」…「未来志向的な日韓関係を期待」=韓国
Leader of largest opposition party: ”Mr. Ishiba has a 'differentiated' view of history”... ”I hope for a future-oriented Japan-Korea relationship” = Korea
On the 30th, Lee Jae-myung, leader of the South Korean opposition Democratic Party, offered his heartfelt congratulations to Shigeru Ishiba, former secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, on his election as the new party president, saying, "As the leader of the opposition party in a neighboring country, I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations.
" Lee made the remarks at the party's highest committee meeting held in the National Assembly that day, saying, "Former Secretary-General Ishiba has been elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan."
Lee said, "I would like to say one thing with high expectations. It is said that the new LDP president, Ishiba, has a differentiated view of history.
"I hope that this will be a good opportunity for the Korea-Japan relationship to develop into a positive, future-oriented relationship," he said.
"We should not be tied down forever by the issue of the Takeshima Islands (Japanese name: Takeshima)," he said, "The problem will never go away even if we try to cover it up or ignore it."
Lee also said, "By acknowledging the facts as they are and issuing a full apology, Japan can become a leading country in Northeast Asia just as Germany has become a leading country in Europe."
"I hope that Korea-Japan relations will also develop on a new foundation," he said, adding, "Once again, I congratulate President Ishiba on his appointment."
2024/09/30 17:18 KST
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