Cho Kuk, head of the Fatherland Reform Party, said, ”The Democratic Party of Korea must decide to impeach President Yoon Seok-yeol.” (South Korea)
Recently, President Yoon Seok-yeol's approval rating has fallen, and controversy over his wife Kim Gun-Hee has become increasingly heated, leading some in the opposition camp to say that the president must be impeached.
On the 30th, Cho Kuk, head of the Fatherland Reform Party, said, "I want the Democratic Party, the main opposition party, to also make the decision to impeach (President Yoon Seok-yeol)."
At a Supreme Committee meeting held at the National Assembly that day, Cho emphasized, "If the entire opposition party makes the decision and acts together, we can move forward with impeachment."
Cho said, "The public has already psychologically impeached President Yoon Seok-yeol. In particular, the government has been under scrutiny by his wife Kim Kun-hee, an 'unelected power.'
"The allegations of interference in the (election) and (election) nomination process have come to light, paving the way for legal impeachment," he added.
I am very surprised by such a perception. The Grand National Party, the predecessor of the People Power Party, once pushed for the impeachment of the late former president Roh Moo-hyun, but they said that if they did it, it was constitutional and if the other party did it, it was constitutional.
If so, is it unconstitutional?" he countered.
2024/09/30 20:39 KST
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