≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」30話、捜査チームに賄賂をもらっていたことを正直に自白する陸鵬=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” Episode 30, Lu Peng honestly confesses to having received bribes from the investigation team = Synopsis Plot/Spoiler
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In episode 30 of "Beginning," Lu Peng is shown honestly confessing to the investigation team that he had received bribes.
An Xin brought Lu Peng into the special investigation team and began the investigation. Lu Peng learned that all the people involved with him were under investigation, and accepted the bribe.
The leadership team was shocked when they found out how much bribe Lu Peng had received. They continued to question him, thinking that the mastermind may be deeply involved in politics, but Lu Peng remained tight-lipped.
He closed his eyes and did not answer. An Xin sensed that Gao Qiqiang was declaring war on the leadership team, and told Xu Zhong and Ji Ze that Gao Qiqiang wanted to meet with him.
Xu Zhong contacted Gao Qiqiang and, with Gao's guidance, he toured the kindergarten and nursing home that Gao had donated. At the nursing home, Xu Zhong met Mr. Huang, a former teacher.
Mr. Huang liked Gao Qiqiang very much. Xu Zhong learned from Mr. Huang that Gao Qiqiang had done this charity work to get the executives involved.
2024/09/30 23:44 KST
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