The Democratic Party of Korea, despite the allegations against Kim's wife, Kim Kun-hee, over the alleged gift of designer bags, asks, ”Are the prosecutors more afraid of Kim than the people?” (South Korea)
On the 2nd, the Democratic Party of Korea announced that the prosecution will clear President Yoon Seok-yeol's wife, Kim Gun-Hee, of all charges in relation to the alleged gift and receipt of designer bags.
"Are they more afraid of Kim than the people?" Democratic Party spokesman Han Min-soo said in a commentary at the National Assembly that afternoon, "The prosecution has finally taken responsibility for Kim's brand.
"In the case of the gold-strapped money transfer allegations, all five people, including Mrs. Kim, were cleared of all charges. The investigation, where the evidence was clear, had been delayed for a long time, but in the end the presidential office came to a conclusion that was the answer it wanted."
Han said, "The prosecution's decision to dismiss the charges is yet another betrayal of the Korean people, who had hoped for a shred of fairness and conscience from the prosecution. On the 24th, the Prosecutor's Investigation Review Committee announced that Pastor Choi Jae-yeon
"The prosecution recommended an indictment. It was interpreted that the bag handed over by Pastor Choi was related to President Yoon Seok-yeol's duties," he said.
"Then, they decided not to prosecute the case from the beginning, fearing that it would cause trouble for Mrs. Kim," he said. "This government is ignoring all laws and recommendations if it causes even the slightest harm to Mrs. Kim.
"Are you more afraid of Mrs. Kim than the people who are the masters of the Republic of Korea?" Han responded, "The Yoon Seok-yeol government's violation of the rule of law regarding Mrs. Kim is endless.
"There was a closed-door on-site interrogation regarding the suspicion of manipulating the stock price of Ito Motors, a series of vetoes against the Kim Jong-un special investigation bill, and finally a non-suspect decision regarding the allegations of receiving designer bags," he reiterated.
He then asked, "Are you also planning to reach a similar conclusion regarding the recent allegations that Kim's wife Kim Kun-hee interfered in the (election) nomination process?"
Han said, "With this dismissal of charges, who is prosecutor Yoon Seok-yeol working for?
"We can no longer leave the investigation into Kim's involvement to the prosecution, which is only interested in President Yoon and Kim," he said.
"We will get it passed (by Parliament) and demonstrate that law and justice live in this land," he added.
2024/10/02 21:06 KST
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