韓国国防相「韓国を脅かす敵に “慈悲”はない」…米韓連合司令部を初訪問
South Korean Defense Minister: ”We will have no mercy for enemies that threaten South Korea”...First visit to US-ROK Combined Forces Command
On the 4th, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun visited the US-ROK Combined Forces Command for the first time since taking office. Kim received a briefing from General Paul LaCamera, commander of the US Forces Korea (USFK), on the duties of the command.
After receiving the message, he called for "further strengthening of the strong joint defense posture so that the enemy will not even think of 'provoking' us." In particular, he said that North Korea is not only upgrading its nuclear and missile capabilities, but also has the potential to develop filthy weapons and other weapons.
He pointed out the increasing level of provocations in the gray zone, such as scattering trash balloons, and emphasized that "there will be no mercy for enemies who threaten South Korea."
"If North Korea provokes us, we will respond with a strong joint defense posture," he said.
"The capabilities of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command are stronger than ever," LaCamera said. "The ROK-US Combined Forces Command will be deployed by October 2022.
"After relocating to Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province in July, we are maintaining even closer cooperation with neighboring commands, including the U.S. Forces Korea and the United Nations Command."
2024/10/04 16:29 KST
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