本当に警察官なのか? 勤務中に常習飲酒、けんか…派出所長などに重懲戒=韓国
Are they really police officers? Police station chiefs and others severely disciplined for drinking heavily and fighting on the job = South Korea
Two police officers in South Korea were given heavy reprimands for habitually drinking alcohol both inside and outside the police box during working hours. According to the Jeju National Police Agency on the 4th, at a disciplinary committee meeting held last month, the officers were assigned to the Jeju Western Police Station.
Inspector A, in his 50s, from the Jeju Eastern Police Station, and Inspector B, in his 50s, from the Jeju Eastern Police Station, were suspended for two months and dismissed, respectively. Inspector A and Inspector B worked together at a police station on an island attached to Jeju Island.
Earlier this year, he was investigated after getting into a fight while drinking alcohol both inside and outside the police box during working hours. At the time, Superintendent A was the police box chief.
The investigation revealed that the two men had frequently been drinking alcohol during work hours from the end of last year to the beginning of this year.
In particular, Inspector B had gotten into a scuffle with other employees who questioned him for exceeding working hours. The Jeju Police Agency's disciplinary committee decided to demote Inspector B by one rank.
However, then Jeju National Police Agency Commissioner Lee Choong-ho requested a second review, and the decision was made to dismiss him, which is a more severe punishment than demotion.
Disciplinary action is divided into minor punishment such as dismissal or reprimand.
2024/10/04 21:04 KST
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