≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」35話、波止場に到着するも警察に囲まれてしまう馬濤と楊健=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” 3EP5, Ma Tao and Yang Jian arrive at the wharf but are surrounded by police. Synopsis: Spoilers
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 5 of "Beginning 3," Ma Tao and Yang Jian are shown arriving at the pier only to be surrounded by police.
Ma Tao advised Yang Jian to leave Jinghai, and when he visited Meng Yu's former master, he ordered him to poison An Xin.
Before leaving Jinghai by boat, Ma Tao and Yang Jian visit Yang Jian's mother, the former. When the two arrive at the wharf, the police who have been pursuing them arrive. Yang Jian is approached by Xu Zhong (Shi
Meng Dehai personally arranged to meet with An Xin and An Changlin, and confessed all his feelings towards Yang Jian.
He expressed his willingness to cooperate with the investigation. With An Xin's help, the drug enforcement team arrived at the wharf.
2024/10/06 19:41 KST
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