≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」37話、香港訛りの奇襲犯が高啓蘭であることが明らかになる=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” 3EP7, the ambusher with a Hong Kong accent is revealed to be Gao Qilan = Synopsis Spoilers
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 7 of "Beginning 3," it is revealed that the ambusher with a Hong Kong accent is Gao Keilan.
Gao Qilan and Gao Xiaochen went missing in the hospital. Gao Qiqiang learned from his subordinate that Gao Qilan had tried to kill him.
He was informed that the attacker had a Hong Kong accent and ordered Tang Xiaohu to find him. Gao Qiqiang informed An Xin that Gao Qilan and Gao Xiaochen had disappeared.
The police headquarters sent members of the leadership team to uncover the truth. It was revealed that all the documents that Jiang Tian used to accuse Xu Zhong were forged.
The investigation into the Qiangsheng Group was cleared, and Xu Zhong's innocence was confirmed. Xu Zhong returned to Jinghai and continued to be in charge of the investigation into the Qiangsheng Group. The police rescued Gao Qilan and Gao Xiaochen. An Xin was in charge of Gao Xiaochen.
He tried to ask the police to cooperate, but was stopped by Gao Qiqiang who had rushed to the scene.
2024/10/07 20:20 KST
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