≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」38話、何者かによって大量の投書が遮断されていたことが明らかになる=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” 3EP8, it is revealed that a large number of letters were blocked by someone = Synopsis/Spoiler
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 8 of "Beginning-3," it was revealed that a large number of letters were being blocked by someone.
The one who instigated the 228 shooting was Gao Xiaochen. However, Gao Qiqiang was suspected of murdering Lu Han.
Gao Qiqiang was not the real culprit because he had promised Chen Shuting not to kill anyone. Lu Han's death was a "gift" from Jiang Tian. Jiang Tian was Gao
He urged Gao Qiqiang to cooperate with him, but Gao Qiqiang refused. Jiang Tian then immediately visited Zhao Lidong's former boss and established a cooperative relationship.
The leadership team obtained a DVD containing footage of the 228 shooting and began their investigation with Gao Xiaochen. An Xin was arrested by Xu Zhong.
He revealed that he had given bribes to Ng and Ji Ze that Li Xiang had received during his lifetime, and that Tan Siyan had sent a large number of letters to government ministries at that time.
However, Xu Zhong said that he had not received the letter, and realized that someone had blocked him. An Xin suggested to Xu Zhong and Ji Ze that the next investigation should start with Tan Siyan's father.
At the meeting, Xu Zhong proposed to investigate the closed section of the expressway in Qinghua District to find Tan Siyan's body.
2024/10/08 23:11 KST
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