Cho Kuk, chairman of the Fatherland Reform Party, said, ”The Ministry of National Defense has not kept its promise to improve the treatment of soldiers from the commander-in-chief of the military.” (South Korea)
During a visit to a military unit by President Yoon Seok-yeol, commander-in-chief of the National Defense Agency, criticism was raised that promises to improve the treatment of soldiers were not being kept.
Cho Kuk, chairman of the Fatherland Reform Party and member of the National Assembly's Defense Committee, said on the 8th, "President Yoon has visited military units a total of 14 times since taking office, including to offer encouragement and to attend the commissioning ceremony for college officers.
"The various improvements promised to soldiers in the field are not being managed by the presidential office or the Ministry of National Defense," he said. According to Cho, President Yoon visited the 5th Infantry Division of the Army in December last year.
After questioning military families and listening to their complaints about areas such as childcare, housing, and medical care, he instructed his staff to "come up with solutions as soon as possible."
He also visited the 2nd Marine Division in February and said, "The duties of the mid-level officers and commanders are also indispensable.
"We will provide the utmost support so that there will be no gaps," Cho said. In response, Cho said, "The Ministry of National Defense has not recorded anything at all about what the president said when he visited the military base."
The Ministry of National Defense responded that it is not under its control. The president's instructions regarding various meetings, reports, and inspections are handled by the Chief of Staff of the President in accordance with the Prime Minister's instructions, the "Presidential Instructions Management Guidelines."
The ministry said that the measures to improve the treatment of soldiers, which President Yoon gave during his visit to a military unit, must be implemented and managed by the Ministry of National Defense.
Cho criticized, "The relevant guidelines were not being followed at all. The remarks that President Yoon made at the scene were in fact not followed by government departments."
"It is regrettable that the promises made by the president, who is the commander-in-chief of the military, to the people have not even been put into practice, let alone recorded," he said.
The president and the Ministry of Defense should not just visit the site and show their gratitude, but should actually take an interest in improving the treatment of beginner officers and soldiers, provide practical support, and fulfill their promises.
He stated.
2024/10/08 20:46 KST
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