”Escape,” starring Lee Je Hoon and Koo Kyo Hwan, is making waves around the world...Continued invitation to leading film festivals overseas
The movie "Escape" (directed by Lee Jung-pil) continues to gain momentum. The movie "Escape" has become a hit thanks to its fast-paced chase action, sensual direction, and the actors' perfect performances.
"Run" has been officially invited to several leading international film festivals, including the 57th Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival, the 9th London East Asia Film Festival, and the 10th Warsaw Korea Film Festival.
"Escape" is a film about the life-risking pursuit of North Korean soldier Gyu-nam (played by Koo Kyo Hwan) who begins his escape for tomorrow. "Escape" has been officially invited to leading overseas film festivals in succession.
First, he was invited to compete in the Orbita competition at the 57th Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival, which will be held from October 3rd to 13th this year.
The International Film Festival is one of the three major genre film festivals in the world, along with the Brussels Film Festival and the Fantasporto Film Festival, where you can get the latest information on the latest genre films around the world.
The Orbita section, where "Escape" was invited, is competing with films in fantastic genres such as thrillers, action, adventure, and black comedies.
It's in the competition section. Angel, artistic director of the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival
Sala explained the reason for inviting him to "Escape": "It's not a typical action movie.
"The film will be shown at the 9th London East Asia Film Festival (LEAF) from October 23 to November 3.
The London East Asia Film Festival was launched in 2017 to introduce East Asian films to the UK and Europe, and is a festival that has been held for over 100 years.
The festival will screen works from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries. The opening gala section to which "Escape" has been invited marks the start of the London East Asia Film Festival.
In particular, director Lee Jung-pil, who directed "Escape," was invited to the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival and the London East Asian Film Festival.
The film will also be the opening film at the Warsaw Korean Film Festival, which will be held in Poland from October 4 to 11.
The Warsaw Korean Film Festival, organized by the Korean Film Council, has screened representative Korean films of the year, such as "The Decision to Break Up" and "Parasite," as its opening films.
The film is expected to leave a strong impression on overseas audiences with its action-packed action and relatable message. It will also be shown at the Auckland Korea Film Festival, Hong Kong JeeAnFilm Festival, and Frankfurt Film Festival in October.
The film has been officially invited to the Korea Film Festival and is set to meet audiences from all over the world. The film has been invited to leading film festivals overseas and continues to make its mark on the global stage.
It is expected to captivate audiences of
2024/10/09 06:55 KST
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