トヨタ・レクサスが「サービス満足度調査」で1位と2位を “独占”=韓国
Toyota and Lexus ”monopolize” 1st and 2nd places in ”Service Satisfaction Survey” in Korea
Toyota Korea Motor Corporation ranked 1st in the Sales Service Satisfaction (SSI) category of the "2024 Automotive Planning Survey" conducted by the automotive research organization "Consumer Insight."
On the 10th, Toyota announced that it had won first place and Lexus second place. Consumer Insight has been conducting planning and surveys of 100,000 automobile consumers every year since 2001.
This year, domestic and imported cars were combined and the survey was conducted in July targeting 95,389 Korean car owners and those who intend to purchase a car within the next two years, covering "SSI" and "AS (After-sales Service)".
The Customer Service Indicator (CSI) survey was conducted on consumers who have purchased a new car within the past year, and the survey evaluates the showroom, sales staff, sales process, and after-sales customer care.
Toyota ranked first for the third consecutive year with 843 points, while Lexus ranked second for the third consecutive year with 810 points.
Toyota Korea Vice President Kang Dae-hwan said, "The results of this survey are from Toyota and Lexus dealers nationwide and from Toyota Korea employees.
"I believe this is the result of our employees doing their utmost for the happiness of our customers," he said. "Toyota Motor Korea will not rest on its laurels with this year's success, but will continue to listen to the opinions of its valued customers and provide better service to them."
We will try our best to satisfy our customers."
2024/10/10 17:04 KST
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