The study found that a culture of sexism in the workplace, including body judging and persistent unwanted advances, remains widespread. Employees say this culture impacts on hiring and promotions.
On the 13th, the Workplace Power Harassment 119 Association conducted a survey of company employees on the gender discrimination organizational culture index.
As a result, the average score was 66 out of a possible 100, placing them at level D (60-69 points). Indicators for main job responsibilities such as motherhood, working conditions, hiring, and promotion were in the 50s, giving them an F grade (below 60 points).
The survey found that gender discrimination in the workplace has not changed. The Workplace Power Harassment 119 and Beautiful Foundation commissioned Global Research, a public opinion survey agency, to conduct the survey nationwide from September 2 to 10.
A questionnaire survey on gender discrimination organizational culture index was conducted among 1,000 working adults aged 19 or over, based on the employed population ratio standard of the Economically Active Population Survey.
The gender discrimination organizational culture index asks 20 questions about the main gender discrimination situations that can be experienced in the workplace from the time of joining the company until leaving the company, and asks respondents to rate their degree of agreement on a 5-point scale.
The lower the score, the more sexist the workplace can be seen as having a sexist organizational culture. The bottom five in the sexist organizational culture index compared to the overall average are
The items were related to employment, promotion, etc. The scores for each item were: △Main responsibilities (55.3 points), △Motherhood (56.1 points), △Working conditions (57 points), △Recruitment (57.3 points).
△ Promotion (58.2 points) was in the 50s. In response to this, company employee A said in April, "I received a female applicant's resume, but the male team leader
"They said they would pass on hiring me because it would be a hassle if I used my childcare leave," she said. "I was hurt because they said it in front of me, who had just returned to work from childcare leave, and I felt like a criminal."
The employees also suffered from inappropriate physical contact, evaluations, and names. The survey ranked sexual harassment (69.2 points), appearance evaluation (65.8 points), and privacy interference (62.6 points).
In terms of gender discrimination, the organizational culture index was recorded at the 60s. In August, Ms. B, an office worker, said, "When I told the company that I wanted to report my manager who was constantly sexually harassing me, the manager told me to stop reporting and not to talk about it.
"I was told to quietly transfer to another department during personnel matters, but I don't understand why the victim should be transferred," said company employee C.
Before I reported Goo Hara, the manager repeatedly told me not to worry about renewing my contract, but after I reported her, as the time to renew my contract approached, the temp agency suddenly told me my contract was being terminated."
Park Eun-ah, a labor consultant at Workplace Power Harassment 119, said, "The revised Equal Employment Act for Men and Women took effect in May 2022, making it possible to file a correction request for discriminatory treatment, etc.," and
The survey results showed that the major indicators that received an F grade (main duties, working conditions, hiring, promotion) are exactly consistent with these discriminatory treatments.
"We must take responsible action to eradicate gender discrimination and gender violence in the workplace," he added.
On the 16th of this month, Hyegyeong, a member of the Progressive Party, will hold a parliamentary debate to mark the third anniversary of the implementation of the Stalking Punishment Law at the National Assembly Building in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul.
Gender violence and gender sensitivity will be diagnosed and related countermeasures will be discussed.
2024/10/13 13:51 KST
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