”Hot topic due to OST plagiarism allegations” Singer Baek YERI N, former lover stalker? ... The other person confesses victimization, ”Even after the breakup, he forced me to wear Pearing”
Singer and music producer Cloud has revealed the abuse he suffered at the hands of his former lover, singer Baek Yerin.
Cloud said on the 15th (today), "The situation I've been through
I tried to explain it in a roundabout way, but when I tried to solve the problem in this way, I didn't think that the series of problems I had experienced could be solved beyond a certain level, so I decided to continue this way.
In such a situation, I decided that I could not go any further, so even if it became a bit long and there were some problematic parts, I organized the necessary content for me.
"I'm going to write a few things to completely avoid making anything into an issue," he began. He continued, "This is simply a legal matter that I announced a few days ago through my agency's account.
It's not just because of the content related to the issue. It's for my friends who believe in me, and for my lover who was harmed along the way even though there was nothing wrong with him.
He added, "In the past, I was involved with People Like People (hereinafter referred to as P
LP) artists beyond what I could do as a colleague and in my musical work. This is due to the intense emotional ups and downs of PLP artists and their sudden, emotional behavior.
"It was to prevent any disruption to business operations," he said, "and at the time, the office's working staff also entrusted me with the task of settling any emergencies that might arise, based on the judgment that I was the only person in the office who could control this.
Although we can see that all of these actions were active choices on my part, this seemingly easy and simple act of having free will has changed the lives of many more individuals than we thought.
Cloud then confessed, "Even after I got a new boyfriend, from the time I woke up until the time I went to sleep, I was always thinking about the artists and not the artists themselves."
Of course, they have to keep in contact with the staff, and in the process, PLP artists have to think things like, "You're going to marry me anyway, so why are you still dating that girl?"
Of course, she sent messages that showed no respect to my girlfriend," he said. "I got used to being constantly stressed over small things, and all of this has been going on with my girlfriend,
"It was conveyed exactly as it was," he added. "Also, when I was in a relationship with a PLP artist, if we didn't wear matching rings, we would have been forced to go through the process together.
I have asked you several times to refrain from making very personal comments about me on stage, but you have made public references to my nickname and expression that only the people involved knew.
I was wearing this couple ring without thinking and going on stage, and that was recorded in the official making-of photo and on the channel.
"I felt that the situation was serious, that my private life was not being respected as a member of the band, and that I could not protect my relationship with my girlfriend and band members," he said.
However, in the process of moving studios, PLP artists were forced to move out their personal equipment.
After two weeks of constant requests to the staff, we were finally able to get back about one-third of the equipment, and the remaining equipment was only available for several months.
He said, "I was in a relationship with a PLP artist in the past, but it's been a while since we broke up and got back into a public relationship. However, even after we broke up, we were able to keep in touch with each other in various unexpected situations.
In order to prevent any disruptions to their schedules, including the situation, they continued to take better care of each other than a colleague while promoting together."
Cloud is listed as a PLP artist, but due to Love Affair Rumors with Baek YERIN, a singer in PLP, she was attacked.
There are suspicions that it may have been a shooting.

2024/10/15 20:35 KST
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