National Assembly security debate: ruling and opposition parties clash over ”bombing North Korean forces” - South Korea
A private message was exchanged between ruling party People Power Party lawmaker Han Ki-ho and National Security Advisor Shin Won-sik during a comprehensive parliamentary audit by the National Assembly's Defense Committee.
The message was made public, sparking lively debate among South Korea's ruling and opposition parties. The message included a proposal to attack North Korean troops deployed to Russia, and the impact this would have on the security of the Korean Peninsula.
In a message published by South Korean media on the 24th, Rep. Han wrote to Shin about his plans to conduct a military operation against North Korean troops in Ukraine.
The opposition party has raised concerns that the government and ruling party may be in a position to take responsibility for the security of the Korean Peninsula over the message.
The ruling party, on the other hand, countered that private conversations should not be used for political purposes. Choo Mi-ae, a lawmaker from the main opposition Democratic Party, said, "The party and Yongsan (the president's office) are
"It is a psychological war against North Korea that is being carried out jointly by the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of National Defense," he said. "Recently, various disgraceful cases have befallen the Yoon administration, such as the Myung Tae-gyun case, and the Presidential
"Is this a ploy to seek immunity from responsibility for his approval rating dropping to the 20 percent level?" Rep. Cho also said, "If North Korea sees this as a declaration of war against its own soldiers, then
"If a war breaks out between North and South Korea and there is fighting on the Korean peninsula in retaliation, it will bring about a security crisis," he said.
"The defense of our territory is our top priority," he said, adding, "It is inconceivable that we would go to another country and induce bombings to be used for psychological warfare."
The People's Power Party responded by saying it was a "private conversation." Rep. Lim Jong-deok
"Aren't private conversations private?" he said, refuting the criticism. "The opposition party should not go beyond what it can to use it for political purposes." Rep. Yoo Young-won of the same party also said, "What Rep. Han mentioned is not acceptable.
"The psychological warfare discussed here was likely aimed at undermining the morale of the North Korean military," he said, defending the remarks, saying, "It is not advisable to overreact to such private conversations."
Rep. Han, the person involved, said, "The same lawmakers who can't even say a word of criticism about North Korea being sent to Russia are demonizing the Telegram conversations of individual lawmakers.
"It's really ridiculous," he said, "It is necessary to clearly inform the North Korean people that North Korean troops have been deployed to the Ukraine war, and I am proposing my personal opinion that this should be done."
Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun said, "The two exchanged opinions within the scope of a private conversation. The contents are completely different from the policy and direction of our government. Please do not over-interpret them."
After the parliamentary audit was suspended due to clashes between the ruling and opposition parties, members of the National Assembly's defense committee said at a press conference, "The People's Power must immediately remove Rep. Han Ki-ho, who is inciting war.
They called for the Presidential Office to immediately dismiss National Security Advisor Shin Won-chan," and said, "War on the Korean Peninsula must never happen."
Defense committee members from the People's Power also held a press conference and said, "Psychological warfare is not enough.
How is this any different from the people being manipulated by North Korea's 'influence operations'?" he said.
2024/10/25 06:56 KST
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