In the comedy film ‘Fairy Tales, but Youngsters Aren't Allowed to See’, Danbi (played by Park Ji-hyun), a civil servant who dreams of becoming a fairy tale writer but in reality is an obscenity crackdown officer, has no choice but to write a 19-year-old web novel and awakens to an unexpected talent for writing.
Choi Si-won plays the role of Jung-seok, an ace of yesteryear who fell into a malaise after cracking down on obscene material in the film, and is expected to show off her characteristic cheeky and hilarious comedy performance.
After six years of working in the youth protection team, also known as the obscenity crackdown team, Jung-seok's self-esteem as a man is damaged by the exceptional working environment and he is about to submit his resignation letter, which he had been holding back, when a new recruit, Danbi, joins the team. He helps Danbi materially and emotionally with the hopeful words that he will be transferred to the team of his choice if he endures only three months together, and the lovey-dovey and hilarious chemistry between Danbi and Jong-seok has been attracting a lot of attention.
Choi Si-won said, "I'm looking forward to greeting on screen for the first time in a long time and I feel a lot of responsibility because of the high expectations." He continued, "Danbi is a junior who has really been waiting for Jong-seok's position. When explaining the rules on how he should deal with situations to his successor as a senior, I tried to act a little speedy."
‘It's a Fairy Tale, but Youngsters Are Not Allowed to See’, which delivers hilarious laughs with Choi Si-won's unique and charming comedy acting, is scheduled to be released in Korea on the 8th January 2025.
2024/12/11 10:54 KST
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