The Coupang Play series "Newtopia" is about a soldier named Jaeyoon (played by Park Jung Min) and his girlfriend YOUNG JI-yu (played by JISOO), who is waiting for his discharge, being attacked by zombies.
The story is about two men rushing to each other across downtown Seoul. The stills released are about the happy times of Jaeyoon, who enlisted late, and his girlfriend Young Ji-young, who is waiting for him to be discharged.
The story is a teaser for a dynamic story that includes a world turned to chaos by a zombie attack. Jaeyoon plays a tense, zombie-infested man in a high-rise tower in downtown Seoul where his unit is based.
Young Ji-young, who is walking around the middle of the roads of Gangnam, is facing a major crisis.
She has a surprised look on her face, and is worried about the zombies that are coming at her. Here, in a high-rise tower and in the middle of downtown Seoul, there are characters with unique personalities who are active in each space.
The film teases the young and powerful synergy created by the two stars, drawing attention to the film. The stills also give a glimpse into the chemistry between Park Jung Min and JISOO.
From their cute past as lovers to the present, when they are a soldier and a girlfriend waiting for him, they think of each other first even in the midst of a desperate situation.
The story is perfectly depicted, raising curiosity as to whether the two characters will be able to meet again after overcoming the distance that is so close yet so far. Meanwhile, "Newtopia" will premiere on February 7th next year at 8 p.m. and will be broadcast all over Korea.
It will be released in over 240 countries and regions via Amazon Prime Video.
2024/12/11 14:47 KST
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