The film "Ghost Police" (director: Kim Yeonjun), the posthumous work of the late Kim Su Mi, is set to be released in January next year. Shin Hyun Joon, who co-starred with her, expressed his longing for the deceased.
On the 11th, when the news of the release of "Ghost Police" was announced, Shin Hyun Joon posted a short video on his Instagram with posters of "Ghost Police" and "Barefoot Gibbon" (released in 2006).
Shin Hyun Joon wrote, "I miss you, Mom," and added, "Just as Mom wanted, I hope that many people who are tired of their daily lives will be able to feel happy just by watching this movie."
I hope that this film will make everyone laugh and feel the importance of family again." The video shows Shin Hyun Joon and the late Kim Su Mi in a poster for "Ghost Police."
Shin Hyun Joon is seen smiling brightly in the same pose as in the poster for "Barefoot Gibbon" released in 2006, drawing attention. In both posters, Shin Hyun Joon is carrying the late Kim Su Mi on his back.
The first teaser of 2025, "Ghost Police," is about a police officer who is not blessed with much money, but one day, he is suddenly hit by an unexpected disaster, and then he acquires some boring powers.
It is a family comedy about a family that gets caught up in a mysterious incident. The true chemistry between Shin Hyun Joon and Jung Junho, two of the most famous best friends in the entertainment industry, is raising expectations.
This is the posthumous work of the late Kim Su Mi, who suddenly passed away recently, and is a true combination of Shin Hyun Joon and Jung Junho, who are famous friends in the entertainment industry.
The film "Outlive," "Shadowless Sword," and "The Last Gift... Homecoming" as well as the TV series "Athena" are expected to be directed by Kim.
The film is directed by Director Yeonjun.
2024/12/11 21:16 KST
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