Jeon Jin-sook, a member of the Democratic Party, said the following:
The bill also includes provisions for voting on important matters related to the protection of the constitution, such as impeachment proceedings.
The bill includes provisions allowing the expulsion of Diet members who intentionally fail to participate in the hearings. It also includes provisions allowing the public to directly summon Diet members who betray the public's trust by dereliction of duty or other such actions, even while they are in office.
The amendment was made on the 7th, when the majority of People Power (ruling party) lawmakers who had set their party position on the impeachment motion against President Yoon Seok-yeol did not participate in the vote, resulting in a vote insufficient to pass the resolution.
The bill appears to have been proposed in response to the situation where some members of the National Assembly failed to participate in the plenary session vote, with the aim of preventing them from using their failure to participate in the plenary session vote as a political tool.
We will let it pass," he said.
2024/12/13 20:57 KST
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