On the 25th (local time), ApeX evaluated 10 jurisdictions based on blockchain patents, related employment, and domestic cryptocurrency exchanges, and Singapore came out as the top overall.
The report said Singapore had the highest score of any country in the world with a core score of 85.4. According to the report, Singapore has 1,600 blockchain patents, 2,433 industry-related jobs, and 81 cryptocurrency exchanges.
Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, came in second with an overall score of 82.7. Hong Kong has
Estonia also stood out for its strong financial infrastructure that facilitates integration with technology and exchanges. With an overall score of 81.5, Estonia is a small country with a population of 1.4 million, yet has 95 blockchains.
It was noted for having a blockchain patent and 52 cryptocurrency exchanges. Other major powerhouses in blockchain technology include Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Australia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
and the United Arab Emirates. Apex assesses that the United States remains a major cryptocurrency and blockchain hub, despite significant regulatory barriers.
The country recorded the highest numbers in key indicators due to its large size. 32,000 blockchain patents, over 17,000 jobs, and 166 cryptocurrency exchanges indicate that the industry is "
A remarkable achievement, given the aftermath of Operation Chokepoint 2.0.
.0 is a government initiative that law firm Cooper & Kirk described as an abusive approach to regulation of the cryptocurrency industry.
2024/12/26 12:53 KST
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