G-DRAGON (BIGBANG), live singing affair? Sound problems? ... Unexpected ”mixed opinions” despite it being his first stage in 8 years
G-Dragon (BIGBANG) was involved in an untimely live singing problem.

 G-Dragon appeared on SBS's year-end stage ‘SBS Song Festival’, which was broadcast live at the Inspire Arena in Incheon on 25th last year.

 Fans' expectations were high as it had been eight years since he appeared on the line-up of the “SBS Music Festival” as “BIGBANG” in 2016. On this day, G-DRAGON started the stage with his recently released new song ‘POWER’, followed by his signature songs ‘SOBER’ and ‘Pitakage (CROOKED)’, which was the last stage of the day's celebration.

 As if to live up to the title of ‘K-pop legend’, he held a standing microphone and moved around the stage, showing his strong charisma. He also showed his stage mannerisms and a droll expression as he chased after the camera with ample gestures, showing an audience control that lived up to his name.

 However, after the broadcast was released, it was met with some controversy, with some saying that G-Dragon's installation of AR sound sources, not performing live enough, and his ear-splitting singing style interfered with the audience's appreciation.

 Some pointed out that there was no doubt about G-Dragon's ability and that the acoustics of the ‘Music Festival’ itself was a problem. He argued that he tried to make the sound louder as an acoustic problem, but his voice was deafening.

 Others said that the camera work was too flashy and the screen was not clear enough, and that the seven minutes was too short. Another point raised as a disappointment was that G-Dragon's stage had not yet finished, but smoke was released next to G-Dragon, who was still collapsed and lingering on stage.

 Netizens complained that the microphone condition was so bad that they could not hear the other singers well, that they had to raise their voices to the max to get the sound out, that this was the best they could do, and that the acoustics were so serious that they could not even hear the words ‘Merry Christmas’.
2024/12/26 14:23 KST
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